Monday, October 23, 2006

Hanging on by a thread...

...of faith. Not to mince words but the "one whose name shall not be mentioned" came and to my nephews to Kentucky on Sunday and yes I am bitter. I worry and pray that the boys will stay safe and that my sister will finally realize what she is doing. I know God is still in control but sometimes not knowing His plan scares me.

Not in the mindset to post anything else right now but thought I would update those who didn't already know and request prayers for the boys protection and my family's peace of mind.


Anonymous said...

YOU can bet we are praying. Our faith has been challenged as well with UB out of work for so long -- the only thing that is keeping me sain is the KNOWLEDGE that GOD IS IN CONTROL. We care and continue to pray for C & J as well as C & M.

Anonymous said...

I will continue to pray for all concerned. I'm confident that God is working in ways we can't see.