Thursday, October 19, 2006

As I sit here...

...stuffing my face with potato chips I think about having Unique Group tonight. What a miserable week I've had at watching the food that goes into my body. I don't know if it weather depression, frustration or what that is causing me to devour everything in sight. Even if I fix the good for me foods I still am not content until I have something crunchy and greasy to wash it down with.

Enough about that. I'm heading to Lansing Saturday for class 3 of the semester. I really like not having to travel there every week and so far the assignments have been pretty easy too. I just have to stay focused for one more semester and then I'm done!!!!!!!!!!!

Not much else is going on in my life. I'm loving on my nieces and nephew, wanting to fix all their problems and pains but that just doesn't happen. Got 1/2 of my Christmas shopping done already. Things at work are going smoothly. We are starting back up with the fundraising events for the library and I will be working with the committee for that.

I have a big reading list waiting for me now. I picked up a biography that caught my attention. I seldom if ever read non fiction but I caught and interview with Stephen Baldwin (my hearthrob of Young Riders days) who talks about how he became a Christian and how his faith is impacting his career and life. His most famous roll was in a movie called The Usual Suspects which I have not seen but he titled his biography The Unusual Suspect: my calling to the new hardcore movement of faith. I haven't read it yet but will give you my review of it when I'm done.

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