Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Can 4 good days...

...erase 2 really bad days? I'll find out tonight as I go to my WW meeting and weigh-in on the topic of "What happens when you eat your way through the weekend"? One of the bad things was that I ordered Girl Scout Cookies before signing up for WW, and they came in on Saturday. I LOVE those thin mints and what started as "I'll just eat a serving" ended up as "I can't believe I just ate the whole box". (And then I had an instant replay on Sunday) But they are all gone now so I shouldn't have to battle that particular temptation for a while.

Tomorrow I head off to beautiful, cold Traverse City for Rural Library Conference. I plan on learning and getting new ideas to implement in the library. Conference food will probably be good and bad. (Taste good/nutritionally bad) I'll have to take the stairs at least once a day to keep my exercise up. If I get wireless up there I'll let you know how it goes. (Not that anyone realizes I've started to post to my blog again)

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