...it's only snow! Yes it's true, here it is January 13th and here in Michigan we finally got significant snowfall. It's not the beautiful white ground that has my heart racing,
it wasn't even the tree branches dressed in gorgeous white flakes, or the very hungry birds that swarmed the bird feeder.
Now what got my heart racing was having to pull out of my garage and driveway and navigate snow covered and slippery roads. It didn't use to bother me. In fact I use to be frustrated when the boss would close for half a day because of road conditions. Now I'm ready to hibernate and not go anywhere. Why you may ask...after all I was born, raised and learned to drive in Michigan Winters so what's the big deal.
One simple roll over last winter and now it's panic attacks every time my tires start to slide or pull a bit in the snowy slush and icy streets. Sure I wasn't hurt, my car was repaired almost like new and I managed to get some time off work due to the accident but I'm finding that the emotional and psychological impact aren't erased as quickly. Any way Winter is here and I will be one of those drivers you all curse at who won't go over 25 miles an hour if there is any snow on the road. Anyway just to leave on positive note: our Pilated Woodpecker is back this year.
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