Monday, December 13, 2010

Not so instant replay...

...of one of my favorite posts. Maybe I like it so well because the words and ideas aren't mine. I have been thinking about this book for several weeks but nobody in our library system has it anymore so I had to order myself a cheap used copy just so I could reread it and remember the rest of this conversation.

Here it is:
The truth about men... only a single woman can tell it!
Men are like mascara...they run at the first sign of emotions.
Men are like lava lamps...pretty to look at but not real bright.
Men are like coolers...load them up with beer and then you can take them anywhere.
Men are like copiers...good for reproduction but thats about it.
Men are like can't believe a word they say.
Men are like know you have to have one, you just don't know why.
Men are like plungers...they spend most of their lives in the hardware store or the bathroom.
Men are like coffee...the best ones are rich, hot, full-bodied, and keep you up all night.

If you want to know how men are like Chocolate bars, vacations, and snow storms check our Marianne Stilling's book, "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evie". (There are also several good comebacks about what women are like.)

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