Thursday, July 02, 2009

And my bogus thoughts for the ...

...whenever. In SS we talked a bit about how things change and yet stay the same. It got me thinking about how generations change but often return to the same. Anyone over 30 already knows that fashions repeat all the time but what about other things? So here is my convoluted, bogus thoughts. (disclaimer: These thoughts are not historically researched or proven, just impressions)
The 1920's were known as the Roaring 20's. They were known for bootlegging, music, movies and automobiles.
1940's were a more demure time when fashion was more conservative and families were traditional.
1960-70's was the age of love and freedom when responsibilities seemed to go out the window. Everything was about getting back to the natural element without any authority or "The Man" telling you what to do.
1980-1990's thing went "Preppy" and it became all about success, money and status. It was popular to be "The Man" so you could make the bucks and control the world.
2000-? the media has control over the direction the nation goes. From global warming to the support or nonsupport of the war what we here in the TV, Internet or in print has more sway than what you decide for yourself. Media and government seem to be actively moving our country away from the traditional foundation it was built on to a more sociological law. From the earliest grades of preschool to the halls of the Ivy League Universities, authority has moved from the teachers and administrators to the students and parents who don't understand why their kids fail when they don't do their assignments. We care more for what the celebrity on People magazine has to say than what our grandparents know about life. The government is bailing everyone out while at the same time taking control and limiting more of our freedoms. Soon the prisons will be filled with Christian leaders who refuse to silence their beliefs and the murder's will be free to attend therapy.

Okay after that rant here is my final bogus thought. Where will the next generation lead us? Will they see the error of the current generations ways or will we continue to descend into darkness, sin, and corruption?

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