Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Home again...

...before the snow. A week long Public Library Association conference in Minneapolis can really wear a person out. It was a wonderful conference and definately counts as one of my 'out of the comfort zone' activities for the year.
There were 9,800 plus attenders registered for the conference and I really don't like crowds. I also don't like traveling in big cities. Fortunately I went with our library director and she did the city driving while I directed from the map. It was a good experience but I'm not sure I would make a habit out of it because it gets really expensive. I also wouldn't want to make the trip by myself. This trip was a graduation acknowledgment from the board for earning my MLIS degree.
We also took a day and went to the Mall of America to do some shopping and sight seeing. The really tough part is that between the traveling and conference meetings I'm still waiting to have a day off to do absolutely nothing. (It's been over 2 weeks now)
My headline refers to the fact that we had a nice sunny week in the Twin Cities and then after we left the got hit with 6 inches of snow.

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