... but I'm still wondering what to write about. I was sitting here contemplating if there was anything new or exciting going on that was worth a post since it had been awhile when the library's alarm system went off. That's what happens when we set an alarm but don't lock the door :(
So know I'm back at my desk and still wondering what to write about. I have a new roommate in my basement abode and it's working out okay. All he does is sleep there and he's willing to do the dreaded household chores for a little bit of gas money!
It's not just any male that I've allowed to move into my sacred domain, it's my 16 year old nephew who moved back to Michigan with his parents and younger brother. Mom & Dad didn't have enough room for the whole family until jobs and rental property work itself out so I get a roommate!
Christmas is upon us and most of my shopping is done. With limited resources in the family there is little gift buying. But, being the awesome librarian that I am I do get the nieces and nephs a new book or two each year. They aren't all eager readers so sometimes it takes some digging to find books that I think will peek their interests but I gotta keep at in hopes that someday they will value the gift of knowledge and entertainment.
Since I don't do the shopping-shopping-SHOPPING I will attempt to share this with those of you who do!
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