Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Change is in the air...

...and it's looking stormy. Life is going crazy lately as I'm having a midlife crisis at 40. I've started a new weight-loss regime, using Visalus Body by V, and I'm sending out resumes to pie in the sky job opportunities. The weight-loss has been a life long struggle and this is one more chapter in my efforts to not die before I'm 50. The job search is a half hearted attempt to prove to myself that I don't have to stay in a bad work environment out of fear of change.

Some changes I love, especially those that I initiate myself out of creative inspiration, other times change can bring our my anxiety disorder. Is there an easy way to accept or embrace change no matter what it is? Is it healthy to never question change? Are there things that should never change? (The Bible is of course exempt from change because the message never changes although delivery methods do)

I recently read an article about icons that use images that are archaic and unrecognizable by the newest generation. How much longer will it be before the connection between the 'save' icon and the the floppy disc are totally obsolete? Why does the phone icon look like the old rotary phone receiver when most cell phone users never used a rotary phone? How many Instagram users have used an actual Polaroid camera? What does a clipboard have to do with pasting data? Why does the microphone icon use an old fashion radio style mic? As you can see there are times for change but at the same time there is something to be said for nostalgia and vintage renewal.

So change for change sake may not always be the best choice but being afraid of change can also cause you to miss out on something exciting.
Picture for Picture Sake
Recent change at TDL, mural painted by Jeanne Merriman

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