Monday, March 19, 2012

A social addict...

...who doesn't like social events. Now there's a dilemma for you. How can I be a social addict if I don't like being around people? It's this wonderful thing called technology! I may not use my iPhone to call people but I use it several times a day to check up on facebook statuses, see what's happening on Instagram, and browse through the latest pins to Pinterest.
The sad part is that it's not just about keeping in touch with other people and staying connected. I get some weird validation when my posts, pictures and pins are liked, commented on and repinned. It gives me a sense of accomplishment to know that I said, saw or saved something that people responded to. Does this make me egotistical? The strange thing is if someone were to complement me or respond in person to something I said or did I'm more likely to brush it off or be embarrassed by the attention but if it's in the virtual world I get thrilled.
So if you really want to make my day leave a comment on my blog or share my pin.

1 comment:

Jeanette Frump @lefrumpette said...

hehehehehe! Love true!