Tuesday, August 30, 2011

When the boss is away...

...I can get into a lot of trouble!
On the positive side my boss doesn't read my blog or see my facebook account on the negative side all my coworkers have access so I'll have to watch what I say!!!!
In all honesty I don't think I'm in trouble yet because I specifically asked the boss how much of her job did she want me to do while she was gone on vacation. Her response... "All of It" so really I shouldn't get in trouble for anything unless it is from the Board...right?

So here is what I've done so far while the boss has been away; ordered books, assigned memorials to books, gotten the windows cleaned, scheduled the carpet to be cleaned, authorized the closing of the library 2 hours early for the carpet to be cleaned, paid bills, authorized time off, plus all my other normal duties. Is there any doubt that I will need a vacation soon? 1.5 weeks to go and then I'll have to stop myself from overstepping my job description!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My green thumb...

...was amputated at birth.

My Flowers

My Mom's Flowers

Enough said

Monday, August 15, 2011

Lay up your treasures in heaven...

...but cherish the memories on earth.

My Dad informed our church congregations that 2 weeping willow trees were going to be taken down. These trees have been a part of the Brockway Wesleyan Church for decades and for many it is going to be difficult seeing them gone. I have many memories of climbing the corner willow tree after school. (This was back before I really understood that climbing trees in school uniforms wasn't a really good idea)
The tree had this wonderful branch that came out and then curved up far enough from the trunk to create a swing like seat. This was usually as far as I went as I wasn't super fond of heights even as a kid. Others, especially the boys, would climb right up as far as they could.
It will be sad to see these trees come down, but it reminds us to lay up our treasures in heaven where wind, storms and rot cannot uproot them, and to cherish memories of special times gone by.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Things you may not know...

...about your Public Library.
1. Libraries are not free. Yes it may be free for you to use it but there is a financial cost to having a local public library. This cost is usually a property tax millage that goes to the library directly or to the city/county if it is not a District Library. Local support of libraries becomes more important as State and Federal Aid continue to be cut.
2. Just because a library has the beginning, the middle or the end of a series does not guarantee that they have the whole series. Sometimes it's a matter of starting the series late and not being able to buy the beginning. Other times it's a matter of no one was reading the series so the library quit buying them. But often it is a matter of books being damaged, lost or not returned. Be thankful if you library allows you to inter loan titles from other libraries.
3. While a library may offer online resources 24/7 it cannot physically stay open 24/7 unless it has a huge benefactor who gives millions of dollars to the library every year. Most libraries budget for a certain number of hours and then break those hours up to offer different times on different days. This may mean that your library opens early on some days and closes early or they may open late on days that they have evening hours. Learn your libraries hours and hope that they don't keep changing them.
4. Programs are a free entertainment and informational resource provided by the library. Yet just as a book that never gets checked out, no matter how good it is, a program that is not well attended gets deleted. Our library offers story time programs for toddler/preschoolers, after school programs for students, computer classes for all ages and a variety of specialty programs including virtual vacations, meet the author programs and special performers. Your library is a great place to broaden your horizons.
5. Your public library is not staffed, designed nor licensed to be a daycare facility. Many parents believe that the public library is a "safe place" for their kids to hang out (sometimes all day) so they think nothing about letting their 6, 7, 8,...year old kid go to the library by themselves. What everyone needs to realize is that a library is no safer than any other public facility. Yes, there are staff at the library but they aren't babysitters or daycare providers. A library is not like a public school where teachers have the responsibility of the students. A library is only as safe as the people that are in it and since a public library is open to all there are times where it may be a very unsafe environment and we don't even know it.

Those are some of my top thought on things you may not know about public libraries. Use them, support them, and supervise your children while in them! Thank You.