Thursday, November 29, 2007

What I've learned from TV

If you watch very much TV you have probably caught those AT&T commercials for their cell phone network that works where you live even in Hollyorkazonasouthameriland! I like funny commercials that stick in my mind. Even if I never buy the product or service advertised I will remember the company.
The reason this commercial has played on my mind is the dilemma we face every December. What holiday greeting do you use? While the majority of Americans Celebrate Christmas it seems to receive the largest amount of censorship. I usually fall back on just wishing people a Happy Holiday and then they can apply it to what ever holiday they celebrate.
I often feel this is a cop-out as I strongly believe that Christmas is a celebration of Christ’s birth and therefore it should be Christmas not Holiday. At the same time I don’t want to disrespect people who also celebrate Hanukkah and Kwanzaa but wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah & Kwanzaa is too much to say as a casual greeting so this year I have the perfect solution…

From me to all of you Merappy Christanukzaa


Anonymous said...

I love it!!!!! That sounds so you -- and also something my oldest daughter would say.

2 U 2


Sally said...

Over here, New Year's is the big winter holiday (thank you, Communism), so "Happy New Year" (or rather, the Ukrainian equivalent) is what we say the most.

Oh, and I'd love to do a talk at the library about Ukraine at some point after I come back to the US.

See you in a couple of weeks!