...but my life is boring. I'm just glad my life isn't tragic! Things are going well, I've been struggling with some emotional/depression issues but I think it's getting better if I remember to take my vitamins.
Really good book I've read lately include Nora Roberts High Noon, Kat Martin's Scent of Roses & The Summit, & Christina Dodd's Scent of Darkness & Touch of Darkness. I've received a couple of really nice recommendations from our Online Book Club offered from our library. You can sign up for it from our home page lakeview.llcoop.org and and there are a lot of different genres of clubs to join. I'm currently reading fiction, romance & teen. When you sign up they send excerpts of the featured books to your email & if you like it you can then request it through your local library.
Other than reading and eating I tend to neglect everything else. I do have a long weekend off work coming and expecting company to visit before mid October so I'm really needing to clean house.
Brockfest & family reunion are also scheduled for this weekend so I'll be very busy even if I don't have to work.